吕钶. 2024: 从镜鉴到超越:美国健康教育标准的实践探索与本土启示. 体育科学, 44(11): 50-60. DOI: 10.16469/J.css.2024KX039
    引用本文: 吕钶. 2024: 从镜鉴到超越:美国健康教育标准的实践探索与本土启示. 体育科学, 44(11): 50-60. DOI: 10.16469/J.css.2024KX039
    LYU Ke. 2024: From Reflection to Advancement: Practical Exploration and Local Implications of the U.S. Health Education Standards. China Sport Science, 44(11): 50-60. DOI: 10.16469/J.css.2024KX039
    Citation: LYU Ke. 2024: From Reflection to Advancement: Practical Exploration and Local Implications of the U.S. Health Education Standards. China Sport Science, 44(11): 50-60. DOI: 10.16469/J.css.2024KX039


    From Reflection to Advancement: Practical Exploration and Local Implications of the U.S. Health Education Standards

    • 摘要: 构建具有中国特色的健康教育标准及话语体系需要重视国际上的有益经验。2024年美国颁发的第三版《国家健康教育标准》在健康教育领域备受关注,美国健康教育标准的修订主要基于国家健康政策导向、学生健康需求影响和社会有序发展需要,在明确不同目标指向的情况下共形成了8项一级指标和172项二级指标,呈现出纵向贯通与横向衔接的有序性、“家校社”多维联动的协同性、操作技能的应用性与标准制定的循证性。受困于美国经济衰退、教育制度松散、政府效能低下和社会矛盾加剧等问题,美国健康教育标准可能会在师资力量、资金投入及约束能力等方面面临困难,而我国受益于国家制度优势及教育后发优势,合理借鉴美国健康教育标准有益经验,未来可以从以下方面予以突破:1)基于“大中小幼”一体化思路,研制具有本土特色的健康教育课程标准;2)通过丰富城乡学校健康教育资源,构建“家校社”协同化的育人机制;3)不断完善师范认证课程体系要求,提升体育教师的健康教育技能;4)积极践行循证实践理念对标健康需求,增强标准的应用性与可操作性;5)进一步加大“人财物”的投入力度,形成政府主导与学校主责的共治格局。


      Abstract: Developing health education standards and discourse systems with Chinese characteristics demands attention to beneficial international experiences. The National Health Education Standards (3rd Edition) issued by the United States in 2024 has garnered significant attention in the field of health education. The revision to the American health education standards is primarily based on national health policy guidance, the influence of students’ health needs, and the requirements of orderly social development. Under the clear goal orientation, a total of 8 primary indicators and 172 secondary indicators have been formed, presenting the orderliness of vertical integration and horizontal connection, the synergy of multi-dimensional linkage among “home, school, and community”, the application of operational skills, and the evidence-based nature of standard formulation. Constrained by issues such as the U.S. economic recession, the loose education system, low government efficiency, and intensified social conflicts, the American health education standards may encounter difficulties in facets such as teaching faculty, financial investment, and regulatory capacity. Benefiting from the advantages of the national system and the latecomer advantage in education in China, by reasonably drawing on the beneficial experiences of the American health education standards, breakthroughs can be made in the following facets: 1) Based on the integrated thinking of “preschool, primary, secondary, and higher education”, develop health education curriculum standards with local characteristics; 2) By enriching health education resources in urban and rural schools, construct a “home-school-community” collaborative education mechanism; 3) Continuously improve the requirements of the teacher certification curriculum system to enhance the health education expertise of physical education teachers; 4) Actively practice the evidence-based concept to align with health needs and enhance the applicability and operability of the standards; 5) Further increase investment in “human, financial, and material” resources to form a governance pattern with government leadership and school responsibility.


