张业安, 于晓梅. 2024: 体育传播概念的反思与本土化重构. 体育科学, 44(11): 40-49, 73. DOI: 10.16469/J.css.2024KX046
    引用本文: 张业安, 于晓梅. 2024: 体育传播概念的反思与本土化重构. 体育科学, 44(11): 40-49, 73. DOI: 10.16469/J.css.2024KX046
    ZHANG Ye’an, YU Xiaomei. 2024: Reflection and Localized Redefinition of the Concept of Sports Communication. China Sport Science, 44(11): 40-49, 73. DOI: 10.16469/J.css.2024KX046
    Citation: ZHANG Ye’an, YU Xiaomei. 2024: Reflection and Localized Redefinition of the Concept of Sports Communication. China Sport Science, 44(11): 40-49, 73. DOI: 10.16469/J.css.2024KX046


    Reflection and Localized Redefinition of the Concept of Sports Communication

    • 摘要: 基于体育传播学术研究与实践发展之间的“堕距”,尤其是对体育传播概念缺乏基于最新实践发展的理论跟进之现实,体育传播概念重构是当下亟待推进的议题。对国内外体育传播概念的演变进行梳理,反思其在诠释当下体育传播实践、挖掘体育传播本质特性、深化体育传播实质功能、指引本土体育传播实践方面存在的局限,并以马克思主义哲学对“人”的阐释为哲学基础,立足于本土实践、本土理论和知识生产需求对体育传播概念进行本土化重构。研究认为,体育传播是以体育为内容或媒介,以具身传播为特征,以促进人的全面发展为目标,生成体育知识与建构意义的互动过程。基于此概念提出体育传播学科建设的未来取向:进行跨学科融合,凸显体育传播的建构作用,以促进“人”的发展为学科建设的根本遵循。


      Abstract: Redefining the concept of sports communication is an issue that urgently needs to be addressed at present in view of the discrepancy between academic research and practical development in sports communication, especially the reality of the lack of theoretical updates to align with recent advancements in practice. This study reviews the evolution of sports communication concepts around the globe, reflecting on the limitations in interpreting current sports communication practices, uncovering the essential characteristics of sports communication, deepening its substantive functions, and guiding local sports communication practices. Grounded in Marxist philosophy’s interpretation of “human beings”, and based on local practices, local theories, and the demand for knowledge production, this study proposes a localized redefinition of the concept of sports communication. It posits that sports communication is a interactive process of generating sports knowledge and creating meanings, with sport as the content or medium, featuring embodied communication, and targeting the promotion of the all-round development of human beings. Based on this concept, the future orientation of sports communication discipline development should focus on interdisciplinary integration, highlight the constructive role of sports communication, and adhere to promoting human development as the fundamental guideline of discipline construction.


