余思均, 熊禄全, 李旭, 张琪琳. 2024: 从电子竞技到虚拟赛事:中国数字体育赛事的演进历程、现实困境与未来路向. 体育科学, 44(11): 15-31. DOI: 10.16469/J.css.2024KX047
    引用本文: 余思均, 熊禄全, 李旭, 张琪琳. 2024: 从电子竞技到虚拟赛事:中国数字体育赛事的演进历程、现实困境与未来路向. 体育科学, 44(11): 15-31. DOI: 10.16469/J.css.2024KX047
    YU Sijun, XIONG Luquan, LI Xu, ZHANG Qilin. 2024: From eSports to Virtual Events: The Evolutionary Process, Realistic Dilemmas and Future Directions of Digital Sports Events in China. China Sport Science, 44(11): 15-31. DOI: 10.16469/J.css.2024KX047
    Citation: YU Sijun, XIONG Luquan, LI Xu, ZHANG Qilin. 2024: From eSports to Virtual Events: The Evolutionary Process, Realistic Dilemmas and Future Directions of Digital Sports Events in China. China Sport Science, 44(11): 15-31. DOI: 10.16469/J.css.2024KX047


    From eSports to Virtual Events: The Evolutionary Process, Realistic Dilemmas and Future Directions of Digital Sports Events in China

    • 摘要: 1998年至今,中国数字体育赛事经历了从无到有、从小到大、从弱到强的发展历程。运用文献资料调研、逻辑分析等方法,梳理国内数字体育赛事演进的脉络特征与现实困境,并鉴于域外成功经验提出未来发展路向。研究认为,国内数字体育赛事的发展经历了以电子竞技项目为主的萌芽阶段、运动项目数字转型的探索阶段和多元项目融合创新的拓展阶段,呈现赛事类型与项目逐渐扩容、赛事认知与价值日趋提升、赛事目的与需求同步升级、赛事技术与理念动态跟进的演进特征,但当下仍面临技术创新应用不足弱化赛事的持续性、政策制度滞后制约赛事的适应性、受众规模有限掣肘赛事的影响力、内容定位不明限制赛事的吸引力等困境。基于国际代表性数字体育赛事的案例经验提出:未来我国数字体育赛事的发展应以技术创新为核心驱动,形成技术驱动型赛事发展模式;以制度建设为重要抓手,营造可持续数字体育赛事发展环境;以认同提升为关键要点,打造全民参与的数字体育赛事生态;以项目拓展为战略方向,释放数字体育赛事的多元功能。


      Abstract: Since 1998, digital sports events in China have witnessed a development trajectory from scratch, from small-scale to large-scale, and from weak to strong. We employed literature research method and logical analysis to comb through the evolutionary context and characteristics as well as the realistic predicaments of domestic digital sports events, and puts forward future development directions in the light of successful extraterritorial practices. The study concludes that the development of domestic digital sports events has undergone a budding stage dominated by eSports, an exploration stage of digital transformation of sports, and an expansion stage of integration and innovation of diverse events. It presents evolutionary characteristics such as the gradual scale-up of event type and number, the increasing event recognition and value, simultaneous upgrading of event purposes and demands, and the dynamic follow-up of event technologies and concepts. However, at present, it still faces predicaments such as insufficient application of technological innovation that leads to weakened sustainability of events, the lag of policies and systems that restricts event adaptability, the limited size of the audience that hampers event influence, and unclear content positioning that limits event attractiveness. Drawing upon the case experiences of representative international digital sports events, it is proposed that future advancement of China’s digital sports events should be propelled by technological innovation as the core driver and using a technology-driven event development model, with institutional development as an important means to create a sustainable development environment for digital sports events, the lift of recognition as a key point to hold digital sports events for all to participate in and event expansion as a strategic direction to unleash the multiple functions of these events.


