周军, 胡霓嘉, 夏楠, 陈岩, 包大鹏. 2024: 老年人力量训练的神经肌肉适应研究进展. 体育科学, 44(11): 87-96. DOI: 10.16469/J.css.2024KX048
    引用本文: 周军, 胡霓嘉, 夏楠, 陈岩, 包大鹏. 2024: 老年人力量训练的神经肌肉适应研究进展. 体育科学, 44(11): 87-96. DOI: 10.16469/J.css.2024KX048
    ZHOU Jun, HU Nijia, XIA Nan, CHEN Yan, BAO Dapeng. 2024: Research Progress in Neuromuscular Adaptation to Strength Training in Older Adults. China Sport Science, 44(11): 87-96. DOI: 10.16469/J.css.2024KX048
    Citation: ZHOU Jun, HU Nijia, XIA Nan, CHEN Yan, BAO Dapeng. 2024: Research Progress in Neuromuscular Adaptation to Strength Training in Older Adults. China Sport Science, 44(11): 87-96. DOI: 10.16469/J.css.2024KX048


    Research Progress in Neuromuscular Adaptation to Strength Training in Older Adults

    • 摘要: 神经肌肉系统的健康是维持老年人日常体力活动和自理能力的基础,延缓神经肌肉系统的自然衰老以获得更高的生活质量是当今老年康复领域中的重要议题。力量训练是延缓神经肌肉系统的自然衰老最为常用的方法。近30年来,随着新技术和新方法的应用,大量的研究证据积累促进了对力量训练延缓衰老机制的深入了解。基于此,采用文献资料分析法,梳理老年人力量训练神经肌肉适应的研究进展。研究表明:1)老年人增龄性退化导致力量训练的神经肌肉适应减弱,其神经肌肉适应呈现周期延长和肌肉适应滞后的特征;2)长期来看,神经肌肉系统所产生的有益训练适应主要体现在脊上水平和外周的神经肌肉接头及肌纤维处,但其增龄性衰退具有不可逆趋势;3)基于神经肌肉适应视角,高龄老年人(≥80岁)依然可以从力量训练中获益;4)力量训练初始阶段相对较小的负荷便可诱导理想的神经肌肉适应,而更高负荷并无额外的增益效果;5)当前针对老年人群力量训练效果与机制的研究不足,且有关研究结果受实验方法、任务、目标肌肉和收缩强度等因素影响,老年人力量训练的神经肌肉适应的新技术和新方法有待进一步探索。


      Abstract: The health of the neuromuscular system is critical in maintaining physical activity and self-care ability in older adults. Delaying the natural aging of the neuromuscular system to enhance life quality has become a key focus in the area of elderly rehabilitation. Strength training is the most widely adopted strategy in delaying neuromuscular aging. Over the past three decades, with the application of new technologies and methodologies, studies provided more evidences in deepening our understanding of the mechanisms through which strength training counters age-related declines. This study reviews the progress in neuromuscular adaptation to strength training in older adults, and the results show: 1) Age-related degeneration in older adults leads to a decline in neuromuscular adaptation, the elderly individuals exhibit extended neural adaptation and delayed muscular adaptation. 2) In the long term, the benefits of neuromuscular adaptations to strength training are primarily observed in the supraspinal level, neuromuscular junctions, and muscle fibers. However, these adaptations are constrained by the irreversible nature of age-related decline. 3) From a neuromuscular adaptation perspective, very elderly adults (≥80 years) can still benefit from strength training. 4) A relatively low load in the initial phase of strength training can induce optimal neuromuscular adaptation, while higher training load offers no additional benefit. 5) Current research on the effects and mechanisms of strength training in the elderly is limited, with findings often affected by research methods, experimental tasks, target muscles, and contraction intensities, which highlighting the need for more studies to explore neuromuscular adaptation in older adults by using new technologies and methods.


