段丽梅, 戴国斌, 韩红雨. 何为学校体育之身体教育?[J]. 体育科学, 2016, 36(11): 12-18,49. DOI: 10.16469/j.css.201611002
    引用本文: 段丽梅, 戴国斌, 韩红雨. 何为学校体育之身体教育?[J]. 体育科学, 2016, 36(11): 12-18,49. DOI: 10.16469/j.css.201611002
    DUAN Li-mei, DAI Guo-bin, HAN Hong-yu. What’s the Essence of "Physical Education" ?[J]. China Sport Science, 2016, 36(11): 12-18,49. DOI: 10.16469/j.css.201611002
    Citation: DUAN Li-mei, DAI Guo-bin, HAN Hong-yu. What’s the Essence of "Physical Education" ?[J]. China Sport Science, 2016, 36(11): 12-18,49. DOI: 10.16469/j.css.201611002


    What’s the Essence of "Physical Education" ?

    • 摘要: 学校体育培养“全面发展的人”之历史使命关键在于对“身体教育”的正确理解、定位及实践操作。对“身体教育”进行谱系分析认为,教会学生通过运动技术认知自己身体是“身体教育”的应然,也是学校体育存在的学理依据。“身体教育”的实质是“拱肩”体质能力的生命存在,身体不仅是被计算与测量的客体被动身体,更是具身体验与能动认知的主体与方法论身体。“身体教育”以具身体验为切入点、以具身场域为原点与归宿、以身在-身能为教育动机、以灵肉一体为终极追求,从生理、心理与社会身体三维路径实施全面育人。


      Abstract: The key to the development of the school physical education is the correct understanding,orientation and practice of the "physical education".After a detailed analysis of physical education,the authors believe that teaching students to know their body through sports technology is "physical education" ought to be,but also the existence of school physical education basis. " Physical education" is the essence of life,added to enhance the physique.The body is not only passive body of the object of calculation and measurement,but also the embodied body.The key point,the origin and destination,motivation and goal of the physical education respectively are embodied experience,embodied body,the implementation capacity unity of body and mind.The path of the Physical education for the“all-round”students includes physiological,psychological and social parts.


