李刚. 中国体育彩票购买者有意择号指数体系的完善与应用[J]. 体育科学, 2019, 39(10): 21-39. DOI: 10.16469/j.css.201910003
    引用本文: 李刚. 中国体育彩票购买者有意择号指数体系的完善与应用[J]. 体育科学, 2019, 39(10): 21-39. DOI: 10.16469/j.css.201910003
    LI Gang. Perfection and Application of the Index System on Conscious Selection for the Chinese Sports Lottery Players[J]. China Sport Science, 2019, 39(10): 21-39. DOI: 10.16469/j.css.201910003
    Citation: LI Gang. Perfection and Application of the Index System on Conscious Selection for the Chinese Sports Lottery Players[J]. China Sport Science, 2019, 39(10): 21-39. DOI: 10.16469/j.css.201910003


    Perfection and Application of the Index System on Conscious Selection for the Chinese Sports Lottery Players

    • 摘要: 以行为经济学为视角,根据数理统计模型,完善了中国体育彩票购买者有意择号行为的指数体系,并将结果与中国福利彩票以及外国彩票的代表性品种相应指标加以比较。我们发现,中国体育彩票购买者有意择号行为程度偏高,且主要表现为强烈的赌徒谬误错误心理;彩票规则对购买者有意择号行为有显著影响,关注这种行为对于体育彩票机构有重大意义。中国体育彩票相关机构应当制订合理规则缓解彩票购买者有意择号行为,策略性提高单注奖金封顶限额,继续从严控制高频类彩票品种,并向国际彩票领域推广本文指数体系。


      Abstract: From the perspective of behavioral economics,according to the mathematical statistics model,this paper improves the index system on conscious selection for the Chinese sports lottery players,and compares results with related indicators of China Welfare Lottery and other lotteries abroad. We find that,the degree of conscious selection for the Chinese sports lottery players is pretty high,which mainly manifests as Gambler Fallacy;lottery rules will significantly affect the behavior of conscious selection.Paying attention to this behavior is of great significance to Chinese sports lottery institutions. Chinese sports lottery institutions should make reasonable rules to relieve the behavior of conscious selection,strategically increase the cap limit of single lot prize,continue to strictly control the high-frequency lotteries and promote the index system proposed in this paper to the international lottery field.


