田野. 2023: 运动健身两极化现象发生机制与对策——基于身体活动最小努力理论、运动成瘾交互模型. 体育科学, 43(6): 61-70. DOI: 10.16469/j.css.202306007
    引用本文: 田野. 2023: 运动健身两极化现象发生机制与对策——基于身体活动最小努力理论、运动成瘾交互模型. 体育科学, 43(6): 61-70. DOI: 10.16469/j.css.202306007
    TIAN Ye. 2023: Mechanism and Countermeasures of Physical Exercise Polarizing——Based on the Theory of Effort Minimization in Physical Activity and the Interactional Model of Exercise Addiction. China Sport Science, 43(6): 61-70. DOI: 10.16469/j.css.202306007
    Citation: TIAN Ye. 2023: Mechanism and Countermeasures of Physical Exercise Polarizing——Based on the Theory of Effort Minimization in Physical Activity and the Interactional Model of Exercise Addiction. China Sport Science, 43(6): 61-70. DOI: 10.16469/j.css.202306007


    Mechanism and Countermeasures of Physical Exercise Polarizing——Based on the Theory of Effort Minimization in Physical Activity and the Interactional Model of Exercise Addiction

    • 摘要: 运动促进健康已成为当今全球共识,世界卫生组织和各国政府倡导、鼓励人们积极参加运动健身活动,提高健康水平。然而,在运动健身活动中,运动不足与运动成瘾两级化现象亦不容小觑。研究系统总结全球范围内运动不足、运动成瘾现状,分析运动不足、运动成瘾的主要危害与影响因素,基于身体活动最小努力理论探讨身体活动不足发生机制,基于运动成瘾交互模型探究运动成瘾发生机制,阐述运动不足、规律运动健身活动、运动成瘾发展模式,进而提出减少运动不足人数、规避运动成瘾的对策:1)强化控制过程运动健身动机,获得积极自动情感评价;2)遵循运动量-效应曲线规律,享受运动愉悦感受;3)关注运动依赖易发人群,实施运动成瘾综合干预。


      Abstract: Physical exercise promotes health has become a global consensus, the World Health Organization and national governments advocate and encourage people to participant in physical activities so as to promoting health. However, it cannot be ignored that there exists polarization of insufficient physical activity and exercise addiction. This study systematically summarized the status of insufficient exercise and exercise addiction worldwide, and analyzed the main hazards and influencing factors of the polarization phenomenon. The theory of effort minimization was applied to explore the mechanism of insufficient physical activity, and the interactional model of exercise addiction was used to investigate the mechanism of exercise addiction. By analyzing the development model of insufficient exercise, regular exercise and exercise addiction, this study proposed the following countermeasures to reduce the number of people with insufficient exercise and to avoid exercise addiction. Firstly, the awareness of physical exercise participation needs to be enhanced and the positive automatic affective evaluations should be activated. Secondly, individuals are advised to follow the regular laws of exercise loads-affective response relationships so as to experience the pleasant feelings in sports. Thirdly, special attention should be given to individuals who are more likely to be affected by exercise addiction and provide early comprehensive intervention.


