Study on the Structural Components and Function Route of the Technological Innovation of Sporting Goods Manufacturer
Graphical Abstract
Companies achieve competitive advantage through acts of innovation.Used literature research, interview method, questionnaire method, interpretative structural modeling, structural equation model to analyse the structural components and function route of the technological innovation of sporting goods manufacturer.It was found that the technological innovation of sporting goods manufacturer is a systemic behavior, a result of many factors' combined action.These components include research and development department, production department, sales department, universities, research institutes, intermediaries, governments, upstream firms, financial institutions, consumers, trades, sports event organizations, athletes, associations, original equipment manufacturers, medias, dealers and other firms.The structural modeling of components is a three-level hierarchical structure, the Level II contains research and development unit, manufacture unit and commercialization unit, some components of Level III have multiform function.The components increase the technological innovation output performance through promoting the runing effect of research and development unit, manufacture unit and commercialization unit.