The Starting Point of Destination:Knowledge Orientation on the Development of Martial Arts
Graphical Abstract
On the theoretical basis of developing meaning of philosophy,this paper,adopting logical analysis,deeply analyzes the relationship among the starting point,the destination and the development and the philosophical implication in them,and draws the conclusion:martial arts of China is the knowledge accumulated by the practice of the cognition of the combat under the philosophical guidance;martial arts development refers to the process from the generation to perish in which the identity is "the quality" of martial arts and the difference is the quantity based on the quality;the schools of martial arts is the interim product in the process,is the tangible representation of martial arts developing from the past to now,which can be seen and touched;modern athletic martial arts or modern martial arts is the result of the development of "the use" of the school of martial arts in the times;in this era the schools of martial arts are added with the cognition of the combat and the formed experiential knowledge,which is not only the necessity of the development of martial arts "body",but the continuation of internal regulation which was established at the generation of martial arts;the starting point and destination of the martial arts are linked up by the knowledge.