Emotional Change and Short-term Emotional Benefits of a Single Bout of Physical Activity
Graphical Abstract
There were 65 students from Shanghai University of Sport.The subjects completed 30 minutes jogging or walking with adjusted speed by themselves on treadmill,and subjects evaluated their emotional state by themselves before 5 min,during 30 min and after 15 min and behavior,physiological indicators were monitored synchronously.Resultsof interview to verify were taken into account,emotional change and short-term emotional benefits of a single bout of physical activity were explored.Research showed that emotional change and short-term emotional benefits of a single bout of physical activity was significantly and they changed over time,during physical activity 15min and after physical activity 1~15min were the best time bucket of pleasure state,during physical activity 6~20min were the best time bucket of vitality state,during physical activity 11~30min were the best time bucket of flow state,during physical activity 26~30min were the worst time bucket of fatigue feeling,during physical activity 6~20min and after physical activity 1~15min were the best time bucket of eliminate anxiety,during physical activity 1~5min and after physical activity 1~15min were the best time bucket of eliminate depression.Emotional change and short-term emotional benefits of a single bout of physical activity also showed level and gender differences,chronic exercisers easier to experienced flow and pleasure during physical activity,occasional exercisers easier to experienced vitality during physical activity and flow after physical activity but also accompanied by more fatigue than chronic exercisers,female exercisers easier to experienced pleasure during physical activity and vitality after physical activity than male exercisers,male exercisers easier to experienced flow during and after physical activity but also accompanied by more fatigue than female exercisers.Emotional change and short-term emotional benefits of a single bout of physical activity also showed that subjects speeding-up in positive emotional state.The results of this research will provide theoretical support and methodological guidance to better monitor physical activity promoting health.