The Constitutional Status of China’s National Fitness
Graphical Abstract
According to the new requirements ofpaying more attention to the role of constitution and improving the level of constitution in the process offully advancing the law-based governance of the country, it is necessary to review the development of national fitness from the constitutional perspective, clarify the law status of national fitness at the constitutional level, and strengthen the law consciousness to promote the national fitness in accordance with constitution. Based on sorting out the concept and the connotation of “National fitness”, this paper analyzes the various associations and manifestations of national fitness in China's constitutional content. It is believed that national fitness has an important position since it was established according to the constitution, and the status of national fitness is manifested as the center and foundation of sports undertakings. National fitness is citizens' basic right recognized in accordance with the law, it is an important way to achieve health promotion, and it is an important content of social and cultural construction. National fitness needs to be promoted and guaranteed by state services. That is to say, it is required to propose the expects and suggestions for fulfilling the constitutional status of national fitness from the perspectives of gradually increasing embodiments of constitution, amending Sports Law, enriching relevant laws, and strengthening promotion according to law.