Effects of Thermal Environment on Thermal Sensation and Energy Expenditure in Sports Based on Fanger Model from the Perspective of the 32th Summer Olympic Games
Graphical Abstract
This study investigates the effects of extreme thermal environment, which may occur in the 32th Summer Olympic Games on thermal sensation and energy consumption based on the Fanger model, which is a classic model in the field of heat transfer.Previous studies show that the environmental temperature is the greatest impact on the thermal sensation, and 1 ℃ increase of environmental temperature can cause 0.20 to 0.25 level increase of thermal sensation. In addition, if the environmental wind speed increase from 0 to 0.2 m/s, the thermal sensation will decrease by 0.10 level, the greater wind speed will induce the smaller thermal sensation. Lastly, the environmental relative humidity has the smallest impact on thermal sensation; the 10% increase of relative humidity can cause 0.10 level increase of thermal sensation. The studies of thermal environment and energy consumption during sports indicate that the environmental temperature has the greatest impact on metabolic equivalent, the 1 ℃ rise of environmental temperature can cause metabolic equivalent increases by 0.20 METs; the environmental wind speed increases from 0 to 0.2 m/s, the metabolic equivalent increases by about 1.70 METs; the relative humidity has the smallest impact on metabolic equivalent with the 10% increase of relative humidity cause 0.09 METs increase of metabolic equivalent.