Achieving Proactive Health:Seeking the Sports Solution for Healthy China Action in the Post-pandemic Era
Graphical Abstract
The outbreak of COVID-19 and the nationwide fight against the pandemic aroused health awareness among Chinese people and generated demands for constructing a more proactive health governance system. To answer the question, the study comprehensively reviewed the transformation of global health governance from biochemical model to bio-social model. The problems including the frequently occurred chronic disease, the over-reliance on traditional biochemical treatments, and the ignorance of proactive health governance, has arose needs for proactive health governance. After interpreting the task structure of the Healthy China strategy, this article rationalizes the correlation between National Fitness Plan and the Healthy China strategy, and finds deficiencies of the National Fitness Plan in structure, function, system, and mechanics when meeting the needs of Healthy China strategy. The author constructs a “Sports Health Action Plan” that could comprehensively correspond to the Healthy China strategy. The plan is illustrated with value and connotations and enveloped into seven facets: health level, health lifestyle, health service, health security, health environment, health industry, and health culture, and furtherly, with these seven facets, the primary goals and missions are clarified. We conclude the article with solutions that could drive the implementation of the Action Plan:forming a proactive sports health concept and widely promoting it, constructing a more proactive sports-based guarantee system and a “government+public” multi-agents sports health governance system, establishing an evaluation system for sports health under Chinese context, cultivating sports health management talents and building professional teams, accurately solving the sports health governance problems of the vulnerable population, and building a proactive health community.