Research on the Phase Division of Full Approach of Men’s Long Jump
Graphical Abstract
Objective: Discussing the phase division and theoretical basis of the full approach of male long jumpers, so as to provide theoretical basis for coaches to implement programmed training in the long jump approach training. Methods: The kinematic and dynamic parameters of full approach were obtained by video shooting analysis and testing methods. Results: 1) In full approach, the height of the CM gradually increases, and shows two transition points in the penultimate 17 th step and the penultimate 6 th step;2) Ground contact time gradually decreases, while the flight time gradually increases after start, intersection point between ground contact time and flight time in the penultimate 17 th step; 3) Standard deviation of toe to board distance increased gradually after start, and the maximum standard deviation of toe to board distance was higher in the penultimate sixth step, and gradually decreased after this step; 4) Athletes can produce higher horizontal force in the first 4~5 steps after start, and the horizontal force decreases greatly; 5) In phase 1 athletes have short landing distance, small shin angle, large forward leaning range of trunk, long push-off distance from the ground, small landing angle which is convenient for acceleration. In phase 2 and phase 3, landing shin angle and distance increase, trunk forward tilt amplitude decreases, distance from the ground decreases, the angle from the ground increases.Conclusions: The full approach of men's long jump can be divided into three phases: starting acceleration, running on the way and preparing to take off. Athletes should keep the trunk forward and small landing shin angle, increase the distance from the ground,reduce the angle push-off ground, and get a higher level of driving force as far as possible in the starting acceleration phase; in the middle running phase and preparation for take-off phase, athletes should gradually increase the trunk angle, gradually improve the height of center of mass, create favorable working conditions for hip flexion and extension, improve the effect of raking the ground,and improve speed.