Logical Construction of Triple Interaction in Age-Friendly Digital Sports——A Study on the Practices of Elderly Participants from the Affordance Perspective
Graphical Abstract
The flourishing of age-friendly digital sports is the result of the harmonious interplay between affordance and the practices of participants in the digital environment. Drawing upon the affordance theory, this study employs methods such as field surveys and in-depth interviews to observe and document the relevant practices of elderly participants, exploring the logical construction of multiinteractive relationships within the age-friendly digital sports ecosystem. The study reveals that the constructive logic of age-friendly digital sports, acting as an “arm,” a “link” and a “track,” gradually emerges through benign interactions and relationship shaping among the trio of elderly participants, their practices, and the ecological environment, across three dimensions: cognitive affordance and perceptual affordance, social affordance and communicative affordance, material affordance and relational affordance. This study establishes a foundation for the sustainable and healthy development of the age-friendly digital sports ecology in the future.